Class Reps

Class Reps 2023-2024

Our current Class Reps are:

Class Class Rep
Owlets  Sylvia Berry
Foxes  Jo Fawcett
Badgers  Hannah Davies
1S  Helen McShee
1Se  Rachael Bell
2B  Jodie Butt
Emma Brown
2A  Linzi King Daniels
Tarran McLean
3WH  Chelley Purton
3L  Carolan Runc

 Hannah Simpson
Jasmine Gibson

4G  Stacey Castleman
Alice Crowhurst
5F  Sarah Benham
5P  Megan Lombard
6VR  Laura Wanless
Shelly Begum
6V  Ashley Edwards

If you would like to put yourself forward please contact Mrs Stone, PA to Headteacher via the school email -


Class Rep Meeting Dates

The meeting dates for this academic year are:

Thursday 12th October 2023

Thursday 16th November 2023

Thursday 18th January 2024

Thursday 7th March 2024

Thursday 16th May 2024

Thursday 4th July 2024

Meetings take place at 2:00pm in the school staffroom.


The Role of the Class Rep

The role of Class Rep will involve you being a point of contact for your child’s class parents, posting updates on your class’s dedicated Facebook page and attending a one hour meeting every half term in school.

The meetings are held by Mrs Turvey and are a forum for you to feedback any views from the parents in your class. Each meeting follows an agenda, with regular updates on projects and initiatives being run around the school.

Following the first Class Reps meeting, the team put together some Dos  and Don'ts of being a Class Rep.


  • Support the school.
  • Communicate information to all parents in your class.
  • Create and maintain positive relationships.
  • Help to improve communication.
  • Look at ways to improve the school – remain solutions focused.
  • Need to be approachable and happy to help.


  • Not to be used as a forum to complain or moan about the school or an individual member of the teaching team or parent community.

Please find below the Class Rep meeting minutes:



Class Rep minutes May 2024
Class Rep Minutes July 2024
Class Rep minutes March 2024
Class Rep Minutes January 2023
Class Rep Minutes March 2023
Class Rep Minutes May 2023