Family Inclusion Worker

At Burstow we are very lucky to have our own Safeguarding & Inclusion Practitioner.

Their role is to provide pastoral support to parents/carers and help with any issues that you may have in relation to supporting your children, both at home and in school. They work to encourage parental involvement within school, signpost to agencies (where appropriate) and supports children in school. Should you have a personal concern or school related issue, then they are here as a listening ear. they have access to a number of agencies who may be able to provide support to you and your family. 

They liaise with all school staff, always in the best interests of the children and their families. they work impartially and confidentially and can provide a ‘listening ear’ if you ever need advice or support.

‘Riding the Wave of Life’

Our lives are continually in motion, buoyed by the wave that is the universe's flow. As the wave rises and falls, we are carried forward, through life's high and low points. The universe's flow may take us to a place in life where we would rather not be. As tempting as it can be to fight the direction and size of this wave that propels us, riding the wave is intended to make life easier. When you ride the wave, your life can evolve naturally and with minimal effort. Riding the wave, however, is not a passive experience. It is an active process that requires you to be attentive, centred, and awake. You must also practice stillness so you can flow with, rather than resist the wave's motion.

Because life is dynamic and always changing, it is when we try to make the wave stand still or resist its direction that we are likely to get pulled under by its weight. If you try to move against the wave, you may feel as if you are trapped by it and have no control over your destiny. When you reach a low point while riding the wave and find your feet touching bottom, remember to stay standing so that you can leap forward along with the wave the next time it rises. Trying to resist life's flow is a losing proposition and costly because you waste energy.

Riding the wave allows you to move forward without expending too much of your own efforts. When you ride the wave, you are carried by it and your head can "stay above water" as you go wherever it takes you. It can be difficult to trust the universe and let go of the urge to fight life's flow, and you may find it easier to ride the wave if you can stay calm and relaxed. Riding the wave will always take you where you need to go.

They are here to ‘ride the wave’ with you, through the ups and downs and into peaceful water.



Young carers are children/young people who are aged between the ages of 5-18 years.
Young carers have a parent/sibling or other family member in the home, that they provide practical or emotional support for who have for example a long term illness, disability or learning difficulty.
At Burstow we identify and support these children by being aware of the role, and providing a group for them where we meet fortnightly on a Wednesday to do well-being activities and giving the children a chance to talk to their peers and us.
Please contact myself if you think your child maybe a Young carer.

You can also find more information regarding young carers below:




Young Carers