
Our dedicated Music Teacher

Hello. Some of you might know me already, but for those who do not, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Trish Vidler. I have been teaching piano and guitar for more than 30 years, and for many of those I have had the great pleasure of teaching at Burstow School. We are very fortunate to have a bright and spacious music room situated within the school which is where music lessons take place.

I am very happy to teach piano and guitar to children of all ages. I am also qualified to teach the clarinet, but pupils need to be 7+ for this instrument. I love my work and find it extremely rewarding when pupils learn to play an instrument. Equally, the children feel a great sense of achievement when they know they can play beautiful music.

Music is encouraged in a big way at Burstow. The children are often asked to play for class assemblies and there is always a waiting list to play as the pupils enter and leave the whole school assembly. Such opportunities give the children a boost in confidence whilst sharing their enjoyment of music.

Some children like to work for exams in the instrument they are learning and I teach the Trinity Syllabus in all grades. The school always shares in the success in exams and certificates are awarded in assembly.

Lessons take place during the school day and I try to rotate the timetable so the children do not always miss the same lesson each week. The lessons are one-to-one and I aim to give 10 lessons in the term. The cost is £9 per lesson plus any music books the pupil needs and exam fees when necessary.

If you would like to book lessons or require more information, please leave your name and telephone number at the schools’ main office with details of your child’s name and class and I will be happy to contact you.
