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  • Uniform

    Burstow is an inclusive school and we understand that adaptations are required to ensure all children can be successful and feel happy and confident.

    Below are some links for school uniform for pupils with sensory and medical needs.




    Pure Organic Cotton is the key to comfortable schoolwear. Cotton pockets in trousers, shirt collars without toxic glue, socks with flat toe seams.

    Uniform is available from Your Image


    Phone: 01737 766106


    Order forms are available from the school office


    The school uniform is as follows however it does not have to have the school logo and can be purchased elsewhere.

    FOBS hold second hand uniform sales, and can be contacted direct on



    • Dark grey trousers (or tailored shorts in the summer, should parents wish)
    • Royal blue sweatshirt 
    • White polo shirt - Infants
    • White shirt with collar and Burstow School tie - Juniors
    • Plain black sensible shoes


    • Dark grey skirt or pinafore dress
    • Dark grey trousers
    • White polo shirt - Infants
    • White shirt with collar and Burstow School tie - Juniors
    • Royal blue cardigan 
    • Blue and white checked summer dress
    • Dark grey tights
    • Plain black sensible shoes (no high heels)

    PE kit

    Indoor PE kit

    • Pupils should wear a royal blue sports top and royal blue shorts.
    • All pupils should take part in a P.E lesson in bare feet unless there is a medical reason.
    • Pupils should never walk to and from the hall without wearing shoes, even if they are only walking a short distance. 

    Outdoor PE kit

    • Pupils should be wearing a blue sports top, blue shorts and trainers in the summer. 
    • In the winter, pupils are allowed to wear a royal blue/navy tracksuit.    


    • No pupil will be allowed to borrow footwear from other pupils or the school. If a pupil does not provide the appropriate footwear when required they will not be allowed to take part in the physical activities.
    • No studs or spikes should be worn in any outdoor P.E lesson. 


    • Children are allowed to wear small stud earrings.
    • Long, dangly earrings and necklaces are not permitted for health and safety reasons. 
    • Wristwatches may be worn but are the responsibility of the wearer.
    • All jewellery should be removed before a PE lesson or swimming. 


    • Please note Nursery are not required to wear school uniform but you can purchase a Nursery Hoodie from Your Image.

    Contact Us

    Wheelers Lane
    Smallfield, Horley
    RH6 9PT

    01342 842010