At Burstow, pupils and teachers belong to one of five houses and work as a team to collect house points. This system aims to encourage a sense of pride and achievement and fosters community spirit.
Colourful pompoms which are worth 1 house point represent our house points and are awarded for model behaviour around school, acts of kindness and evidence of building learning power.
Golden pompoms, which are worth 5 house points, are awarded for significant or sustained achievement.
Pupils also take part in sporting competitions and trophies are awarded to the winning House.
The Houses are named after famous figures - Pankhurst, Ali, Rashford, Attenborough and Parks.
Every week, house points are collected by the Year 6 House Captains and a weekly winner is announced during Friday’s celebration assembly.
House points are then tallied over the course of a term and pupils in the winning team are rewarded with a special event. At the end of the year, the house champions are announced.