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  • Our Governors

    School governors form one of the country’s largest groups of volunteers.

    A Governing Board’s work focuses on three core strategic functions:

    • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
    • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
    • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

    The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management daily running of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the Governing Board.

    The Governing Board sets the aims and objectives for the school and policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives. It monitors and evaluates the progress the school is making towards those aims and objectives and is a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher.

    Almost anyone over 18 years of age can become a governor. Volunteers must demonstrate a willingness to dedicate time to the role, have the capacity to undertake the training necessary to fulfil the role and to visit the school on a regular basis during the school day and to attend meetings of the Governing Board and any Committees or working groups as necessary.

    The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 specifies that all individuals acting as members of the Governing Board of an educational establishment (defined as either an educational establishment which is exclusively or mainly for the provision of full-time education to children, or a maintained nursery school) must undergo a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check.

    The Governing Body of Burstow School is comprised of 14 governors elected or appointed as follows:

    • 2 Parent governors – elected by parents.
    • 1 Staff governor – elected by the staff.
    • 1 Headteacher – ex officio.
    • 1 LA governor – appointed by the Local Authority.
    • 6 Co-opted Governors – appointed by the Governing Board based upon skills and experience.
    • 2 Partnership governors – appointed by the Governing Board based upon skills and experience.

    The Governors are:

    Name Category Term of Office
    Mrs Claire Creed (Chair) Additional LA 7.9.2022
    Mrs Rosemary Hucker Additional LA 23.1.2023
    Mr Stephen Case -Green Co-opted  15.7.2021
    Mr Philip Tree Ex-Offficio  15.04.2024
    Mrs Ushma Olaitan Co-opted  9.10.2022
    Mrs Helen McShee Parent Elected 19.7.2024
    Mr Daniel Edwards Parent Elected  19.7.2024

    The Nominated Governor responsible for Safeguarding is: Mrs Claire Creed

    The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Kate Baum

    The Governing Body hold three meetings per term and also Committees covering Pay and Admissions.

    The Governing Body will convene panels for Disciplinary matters/Complaints or exclusions as necessary.

    Statutory Information

    Name Roles & Responsibilities  Term of Office/ category Relevant business & pecuniary interests (as recorded in register of interests) Relationship with other Governors/Staff Governance roles in other educational institutions/charities Meeting attendance 2022/2023
    Claire Creed

    Chair of Governors 


    7.9.2022 - 19.7.2024

    Additionally Appointed by LA

    Schools Alliance for Excellence-Goverance Associate

    The Hope Service-Clerk to Management Committee

    Yattendon School - Clerk to Governors

    Oriel High School - Exam Invigilator

    East Grinstead Sports Club - Board Administrator 

    Northgate Primary School - Clerk to Governors until 14.10.2022

    None  Limpsfield CE Infant School - Chair of Governors until 31.1.2022 9/11
    Rosemary Hucker Vice Chair 

    23.1.2023 -19.7.2024

    Additionally Appointed by LA

    None  None 

    The Grange Infant School Governor 

    NESSS - Associate Member 

    Surrey Education Trust - Governor Representative 

    Surrey Governance Association - Treasurer 

    Stephen Case-Green Health & Safety  15.7.2021 - 14.7.2025 Co-opted None  None   10/11
    Ushma Olaitan    19.10.2022 - 18.10.2026 None  None Westvale Park Governor 6/8
    Katrina Turvey   Ex-officio from 1.1.2023 Acting Head Teacher  None None 7/7
    Hannah Mead Safeguarding  22.10.2015 - 21.10.2023 (Resigned 26.5.2023) None None  None 5/7
    Kate Attwood Health & Safety

    14.3.2019 - 13.3.2023 (Resigned 13.3.2023) Parent Governor

    None  None  Oakwood School Governor 4/5
    Natalie Rogers    9.3.2023 - 31.7.2023 Additionally Appointed by LA     The Mead School - Chair of Local Governing Board  4/5
    Louisa Van der Ray   23.5.2022 - 22.5.2026 (Resigned 19.1.2023) Staff None None  2/4
    Claire Hodgson   1.3.2017 - 31.12.2022 Ex-officio Head Teacher None  None 4/4
    Nicholas Calver    24.9.2018 - 23.9.2026 (Resigned 3.2.2023) None  None Henry Smith Charity  5/6
    Kevin Bourne   24.9.2018 - 23.9.2022 Councillor for Burstow, Horne & Outwood Ward of Tandridge District Council None None  2/2
    Caroline Da Costa Torres   5.7.2022 - 4.7.2026 (Resigned 19.9.2022) None None None  0/1


    Contact Us

    Wheelers Lane
    Smallfield, Horley
    RH6 9PT

    01342 842010