Wheelers Lane
Smallfield, Horley
Tel: 01342 842010
Fax: 01342 842935
E: school@burstow.surrey.sch.uk
Headteacher | Mr P Tree head@burstow.surrey.sch.uk |
Deputy Headteacher/ Senco | Mrs K Turvey senco@burstow.surrey.sch.uk |
Assistant Headteacher | Mrs J Hosking jhosking@burstow.surrey.sch.uk |
Safeguarding & Inclusion Practitioner | Mrs L Newton lnewton@burstow.surrey.sch.uk |
Office Manager | Mrs C Johnstone |
PA to Headteacher | Miss A Stone |
Premises Officer | Mr R Metcalfe |
Burstow Primary School is part of EveryChild Partnership Trust. Contact number is 01737 926582. Please click on the link below to locate their website:
Everychild Partnership Trust - Home